Will the world end in 2012
Mayan End Age 12-21-2012

Mayan Calender"Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear." — Joseph Robert Jochmans
"An Apocalypse (Greek: “lifting of the veil” or “revelation”) is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted." — Wikipedia
"BIG SUR, Calif. — At twilight, not far from a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, a Mayan shaman spoke of the return of Kukulkan to dozens of listeners sitting on the floor inside a yurt: As Venus, a planet of special significance to the ancient Mayans, passed directly between the Sun and Earth in June, the forces out there were heralding the return of Kukulkan, the snake deity, and the start of a new age of spiritual enlightenment in 2012.
'The cosmos is talking to us — we need to listen,' said the shaman, Miguel Angel Vergara. 'Kukulkan shines in the infinite. Kukulkan is the sacred energy beating in every atom. Kukulkan is the feathered serpent living in your heart forever.' "
New York Times, August 19, 2012
The Reawakening of the Divine Feminine, and the Apocalypse

Ancient Mayan Glyph showing
transfer of the Staff of Power
to the Spirit of the Feminine
"Amazingly, there is a cultural/
prophetic context for the arising
of this Feminine-based planetary
transformation that is underway.
The Mayan 2012 prophecies
foretold of this shift of planetary
stewardship into the hands of
the Feminine. In a personal
communication with this author,
Nicaraguan Mayan Grandmother
Flordemayo, of the International
Council of 13 Indigenous
Grandmothers, explained that
the final glyph (pictogram) from
the “Mayan Story of Creation”
(the Dresden Codex) shows the
Reawakening of the Feminine."
— Vikki Hanchin"Rudolf Bultmann ... calls the coming of the Redeemer (Paraclete) an “eschatological event,” “the turning-point of the ages”." — George Eldon Ladd
"The reaction of the world to theParaclete will be much the same as the world’s reaction was to Jesus." — Berard L. Marthaler
"But She—the Spirit, the Paraclete ...—will teach you everything." — Danny Mahar
"The functions of the Paraclete spelled out in verses 13-15... are all acts of open and bold speaking in the highest degree." — David Fleer
"They will be privileged to know theParaclete, as they have known Jesus (14:7, 9, 17). The Spirit will be within the disciples and will remain with them."— Robert Creech
The Paraclete's "appearance means that sin, righteousness, and judgment will be revealed." — Georg Strecker
"Because of the presence of theParaclete in the life of the believer, the blessings of the end-times—the eschaton—are already present." — Robert Kysar
"The Spirit acts in such an international situation as the revealer of 'judgment' on the powers that rule the world." — Michael Welker
"Stephen Smalley asserts that 'theSpirit-Paraclete ... in John’s Gospel is understood as personal, indeed, as a person.' " — Marianne Meye Thompson
"I know all ... but I have not revealed it so far. It will be slowly revealed by me because people have not been prepared yet to become capable of absorbing it."
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Bombay, India — February 26, 1987

Mar 21, 1923 – Feb 23, 2011
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was
Christian by birth, Hindu by
marriage, and Paraclete by duty.
"The Paraclete represents direct,
intimate divine intervention,
supporting and teaching
believers and challenging the
world, as Jesus did." (D. Stevick
Jesus and His Own, 2011, 290)
Note: This 4000-page site is an effort to enable humanity to grasp the vastness of the Spirit-Paraclete's Apocalypse, mystically and esoterically revealed to children by the Mother Kundalini (Kukulkan)within themselves since 1993. This site explains in detail the Apocalypse—evidence, source, nature, knowledge and means to evolve into the Spirit—that may help set the initial global shift in consciousness by 12-21-2012 in motion, and then ever onwards.
All living beings have the same Mother Kundalini (Kukulkan) within themselves, the font of Consciousness. "According to Hunbatz Men, ‘Ku’ is sacred, God. ‘Kul’ is coccyx, the base of the spine, where latent spiritual energy resides. ‘Can’ means serpent. ‘Kukulcan’ therefore is synonymous with ‘kundalini’—which is what the Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl archetype is all about, of course." (Dr. John Jay Harper)
Those ready for awakening their own Mother Kundalini (Kukulkan)—the total and exact gnosis required by anyone of any religion, race, culture or creed wishing to radically transform themselves in order to fully and completely evolve as a human being—click here.
What is so special about the Mayan Calendar?
Carl Johan Calleman (Ph.D)
"The person with no previous exposure to the Mayan Calendar will usually initially be surprised by the fact that some people today take such an interest in an ancient calendar. After all, human history has seen a high number of different calendars. Is not then the Mayan calendar just a very specialized subject of interest only to specialists or history buffs? “Why would the world today need another calendar than the Gregorian or Muslim that are currently in use, and why should this be the Mayan calendar?” some may ask.
Well, to begin with most people probably have a much too limited view of the importance of the Mayan civilization, and Native American traditions generally. In fact, at their height in the 5th to 9th centuries AD, the Mayan cities would be among the largest in the world and developed the most advanced mathematics and astronomy of their day. And so, even if the Native American civilizations hardly survived the later contact with the Europeans they were and are the carriers of a significant and irreplaceable part of the global human consciousness.
When we talk about the Mayan Calendar something profoundly different is also meant than just a system to mark off the passage of time. The Mayan Calendar is above all a prophetic calendar that may help us understand the past and foresee the future. It is a calendar of the Ages that describes how the progression of Heavens and Underworlds condition the human consciousness and thus the frames for our thoughts and actions within a given Age. The Mayan Calendar provides an exact schedule for the Cosmic Plan and the unfolding of all things that come into existence. There is now ample empirical evidence for this, something that shines new light on the age old questions of mankind. Things do exist for a reason. The reason is that they fit into the divine cosmic plan. For those that seriously engage in a study of the Mayan Calendar this soon becomes evident and the former materialist world view loses all relevance. The Mayan Calendar is a gateway to the worlds of consciousness which the majority of humanity has been blinded to through the use of false or delusory calendars.
Since everything that exists is an aspect of consciousness, and the Mayan Calendar describes the evolution of consciousness in all of its aspects, no stone is left unturned for the serious student of the Mayan Calendar. All of science is affected, all of religion is affected, all of life is affected. We are here for a reason. Time is no longer equated with money, but with spirit. Time is inspiration!"
Carl Johan Calleman
"My own view is that this is the last chance that human beings will have to truly align themselves with the cosmic plan. It is now or never and if you do not think that the Conscious Convergence has something to do with you you probably have not studied the Mayan calendar seriously enough. Hence, there can be no proxies for your participation in the transformation of the world as the calendar comes to an end."
Carl Johan Calleman, Stockholm, 11 Ahau (March 7, 2010).
The Conscious Convergence
Carl Johan Calleman has a Ph.D. in Physical Biology from the University of Stockholm and has been a Senior Researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle and a cancer expert for the WHO. He is the author of The Purposeful Universe (Inner Traditions, 2009) a book that presents a new theory of biological evolution based on the Cosmic Tree of Life. He currently teaches at the online International Metaphysical University (http://www.intermetu.com).
He held his first talk with the mention of the end of the Mayan calendar in 1979 and is the only professional scientist to have studied the meaning of the Mayan calendar (many professional Mayanists have studied the calendar as such, but not its reality basis in biological and historical evolution). He is among other things the author of Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar (Garev, 2001) and The Mayan calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (Inner Traditions, 2004).
“2012 is such a profound archetype,” Jenkins went on. “Here we are five and a half years before the date, and already there's so much interest. Personally, I think it's about transformation and renewal. It's certainly nothing as simplistic as the end of the world.”
But what about the connection many people see between the approach of 2012 and environmental crisis? I asked. What about the popular link between the Maya and end-time prophecy?
“A lot of people are talking about apocalypse right now,” he said, “but there's a deeper meditation that can and should happen around the end date.” Jenkins—bearded, in a T-shirt and jeans—is originally from Chicago, and traces of a flat Midwestern accent remain in his voice. He looked and sounded beleaguered by the mention of apocalypse. “At any end-beginning nexus—at the dawn of a new religion or a spiritual tradition—you have this amazing opening,” he said. “Revelations come down. There's a fresh awareness of what it means to be alive in the full light of history.”
The New York Times (July 1, 2007)
Apocalypse is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted." (Wikipedia) The word is derived from the Greek apokalupsis, a term applied to revelation or disclosure, to certain privileged persons, of what already exists, though hitherto it has been hidden, or only imperfectly known.
"The Spirit/Paraclete will bring the past to memory, but the Spirit/Paraclete will be the voice of the glorified Jesus teaching in new situations in the present. However, this new teaching will be anchored in the Jesus of the past, because the Spirit/Paraclete will be speaking anew on behalf of Jesus. It is this claim of access to new teaching that has become problematic within the Johannine communities." – Ormond Rush, The Eyes of Faith CUA (2009), p. 23.
"In the Thomas gospel, Jesus is presented as a spiritual guide whose words (when properly understood) bring eternal life (Saying 1). Readers of these sayings are advised to continue seeking until they find what will enable them to become rulers of their own lives (Saying 2) and thus to know themselves (Saying 3) and their legacy of being the children of "the living Father" (Saying 3). These goals are presented in the image of "entering the Kingdom" by the methodology of insight that goes beyond duality. (Saying 22). The Gospel of Thomas shows little or no concern for orthodox religious concepts and doctrines...
The Gospel of Thomas emphasizes direct and unmediated experience. In Thomas saying 108, Jesus says, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become as I am; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him." Furthermore, salvation is personal and found through spiritual (psychological) introspection. In Thomas saying 70, Jesus says, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not bring it forth, what you do not have within you will kill you." As such, this form of salvation is idiosyncratic and without literal explanation unless read from a psychological perspective related to Self vs. ego. In Thomas saying 3, Jesus says,
...the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that poverty." - Wikipedia (April 24, 2011)
Definitions of unmediated
"1. [adj] - without the interposition of other agencies or conditions
Quotes - Example use of the word unmediated
1. unmediated relations between God and man"
"unmediated - having no intervening persons, agents, conditions"
"not mediated : not communicated or transformed by an intervening agency"
Temple of Kukulkan (Serpent)

Temple of Kukulkan: In the 1980s, Chichen
Itza began to receive an influx of visitors on
the day of the spring equinox. Today several
thousand show up to see the light-and-
shadow effect on the Temple of Kukulcan in
which the feathered serpent god supposedly
can be seen to crawl down the side of the
pyramid. "A serrated line of seven
interlocking triangles (chakras) gives the
impression of a long tail leading downward to
the stone head of the serpent Kukulkan
(Kundalini), at the base of the stairway."
"The Mayan masters teach that we are the
integration of the seven powers of light,
traveling in the form of the serpent,
undulating eternally with movement and
measure. In Mayan, the pyramid is called
k’u, the root word for the sacred Hunab K’u,
the Only Giver of Movement and Measure.
Thus, when we see the seven triangles in
Chichen Itza during the equinoxes, we are
witnessing a demonstration of culture which
pervades the atmosphere and stones of
this sacred place. With respect and humility,
we should kneel before the presence of
Kukulcan or Quetzalcoatl. By so doing, we will
begin to awaken our cosmic consciousness,
allowing Hunab K’u to enter the sacred
temples in our bodies!" – Hunbatz Men,
Secrets of Mayan Science and Religion p.126.
(Enlarged photo shows Serpent and trailing
tail during the spring equinox.)"Quetzalcoatl taught the ancients all the necessary skills to advance their civilization, from mathematics and science to agriculture and astronomy, as well as the famous Mayan calendrical formulae which predicts the end of the world to be December 21st 2012. He taught the people to live in peace and then moved on disappearing across the sea, but he promised he would someday return. Unfortunately for the ancient inhabitants of Mexico they mistook the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors and Cortez in 1519 as Quetzalcaotl's return, bringing about their tragic doom. Accepting them with open arms and treating them with utmost reverence the ancient people expected their newly arrived god to bestow great benevolence upon them. Instead the Spanish invaders brought nothing but greed and brutality for their trusting hosts.
The name Quetzalcoatl (ket-tsul'kwot-ul) means "plumed or feathered serpent". We must certainly then mention the great ancient city of Chichen Itza on Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. There, twice a year, an amazing spectacle related to the feathered serpent god takes place:
"The Temple of Kukulkan (the Feathered Serpent God, also known as Quetzalcoatl) is the largest and most important ceremonial structure at Chichen Itza. This ninety-foot tall pyramid was built during the eleventh to thirteenth centuries directly upon the multiple foundations of previous temples. The pyramid is a store-house of information on the Mayan calendar.... The northern stairway was the principal sacred path leading to the summit. At sunset on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, an interplay between the sun's light and the edges of the stepped terraces on the pyramid creates a fascinating—and very brief—shadow display upon the sides of the northern stairway. A serrated line of seven interlocking triangles (chakras) gives the impression of a long tail leading downward to the stone head of the serpent Kukulkan (Kundalini), at the base of the stairway." (Linda Casselman)
So then, on these two very important dates, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, it appears that Quetzalcoatl is indeed present among his people as the shadow of the serpent moves along the steps of the Pyramid of Kulkulkan.
"Great serpent Mound may be viewed as a golden thread running through all the great religious systems of the world and potentially functioning as a key to their secrets" — Ross Mamilton

The Serpent Mound
(Aerial photo)"The Great Serpent Mound has been classified with a large collection of North American prehistoric earthen mounds extending from the East Coast to the Mississippi and beyond. This particular work, however, is distinguished from the countless other mounds and earthen structures throughout the eastern United States in that its design can be dated to a period about 5,000 years ago. Only Watson Brake, a group of mounds in Louisiana discovered in the last decade of the twentieth century, can rival its antiquity. But to my knowledge, nothing in the Americas compares with the Serpent Mound in terms of the precise astronomic, arithmetic, geometric, and spiritual knowledge it embodies...
The Great Serpent Mound is situated in southwestern Ohio's Adams County, not far from the Ohio River. It is on the western edge of an elevated plateau overlooking Brush Creek, one of the last unpolluted streams in the entire state. Owning three features, the Serpent's complete body, uncoiled and stretched out, would measure more than a quarter of a mile tip to tail. Its height varies from the perhaps less than ten inches at the end of the tail's helix to several feet at the opposite end. The earthwork appears to be a serpent attempting to swallow, regurgitate, or simply be in association with an object archaeologists refer to as "the oval feature," or the Great Oval. At the very western end of the Serpent is the smallest feature, a triangular mound measuring approximately 31.6 feet along its east base.

Lunar alignments correspond to
six of the seven coils of the
serpent effigy. The coils to the
right point to the moon's
maximum northern, southern,
and central rising points, and
the coils to the left point to the
moons maximum northern,
southern and central setting
points. As such, the serpent is
closely identified with the moon,
and with the underworld. The
head and oval also point to the
sun's maximum northern setting
point, during the summer
solstice, and appear to show the
sun symbolically being
"swallowed" by the serpent. The
serpent is also aligned to true
north via a line traveling from
the center of its coiled tail to
the base of its head. (Enlarged)The earthwork is aligned exactingly to the north. Numerous other features show that its builders oriented it to astronomical phenomena in a startlingly rich and detailed fashion and built it in accord with precise principles of geometry and arithmetic. Many other prehistoric earthworks and stonework also show astronomical and mathematical connections, but it is one of the aims of this book to demonstrate how the Great Serpent Mound is unique in the sheer number and complexity of these connections. In this regard it exceeds even the Great Pyramid of ancient Egypt or the Parthenon of Greece. Truly, it is a wonder of the prehistoric world...
The mystery of the Serpent Mound boils down to the questions of who designed it, who constructed it, and why. It is probably beyond our capacities to determine exactly what our Serpent was signifying. In the opinion of some, it is a "manitou," a Native American tem for "spiritual entity." I would take this notion a step further, being now convinced that our Serpent is "Gitche Manitou," which is to say, the "Great Spirit" and ancestral guardian of the ancient people. Yet while the Great Serpent has long been believed to be a treasure indigenous to North America, there are undeniable connections in its design to distant regions of the ancient world...
Our Great Serpent, showpiece of the world's ancient architectural forms, may once have been perceived as the representation of an extensive body of knowledge that could be wisely described as a philosophical masterpiece, a magnum opus. Constructed to demonstrate the highest possible esoteric concepts, our Serpent Mound is the remnant of an ancient philosophical transmission...
Whatever its origin, properly understood, the symbolism of the stellar serpent contained in the Great serpent Mound may be viewed as a golden thread running through all the great religious systems of the world and potentially functioning as a key to their secrets. The serpent image itself is a compacted seed of light, a bearer of all knowledge. Like the worm of the mythical phoenix, the shape is which is familiar yet forgotten, the Great Serpent’s destiny is to be recognized as a harbinger of light, ultimately to be reinstated to its true fullness of form, dominating the landscape and politics of the human race. It would be the first of the apocalyptic “seals” to be opened, aptly called the Great Seal.; these auguring a time when peace and prosperity will once again rule the Earth.
Though we now have begun to see that the patterns contained in some of the earthworks are actually alignments pertaining to the stars and to the paths of the sun and moon along the horizon, we are also at the dawn of a more far-reaching illumination. So profound in meaning and broad in scope is this revelation that it may well test the general populace to the rational limits of its mental horizon ... the focus of a multi-dimensional scheme of the genius of a distant golden age."
The Mystery of the Serpent Mound: In Search of the Alphabet of the Gods
Ross Mamilton, Frog Books, (May 3, 2001), xiii-xvi

"John Major Jenkins has also published a book called The Pyramid of Fire, in which he tracks down a lost Aztec codex that proves what has been speculated by various researchers over the years – that the religion of the Toltecs, based around Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god, known to the Maya as Kukulcan – was originally about the concept of an evolutionary energy that lies dormant at the base of the human spine. The concept is almost identical to the Hindu concept of Kundalini – the fire serpent that can be released from its slumber and raised up the spine, energising the power zones or chakras, until it reaches the crown chakra.
Here we have a connection to the prophecies of the Chilam Balams that mention a return of the gods in the katun 4 Ahau that ends the 13-baktun cycle, specifically, the Chilam Balam of Chumayel, that says in katun 4 Ahau, Kukulcan will return. The 20-year period we are now in, until December 2012, is katun 4 Ahau (the “katun of dishonour”). This suggestion of a mass movement of kundalini is echoed in the Hopi prophecy mentioned earlier, which predicts that in the Emergence to the Fifth World, consciousness starts to move up from the solar plexus to the heart. In Kundalini lore, it is said that when Kundalini reaches the Anahata or heart chakra, the soul awakens."
Geof Stray, www.newdawnmagazine.com/
"The Coiled Serpent is brought back down to her original home at the base of the spine, recreating a new body experienced by the practitioner as divine"

"Physical embodiment, accordingly, is seen as a prime opportunity for spiritual growth, rather than as an unfortunate predicament requiring withdrawal from, or at least indifference to, the material and sensual realm.
Such an approach to spiritual development is epitomized in the famous Tantric discipline of the Serpentine Yoga (Kundalini Yoga), which utilizes the practitioner’s own body as the prime vehicle for liberation. By concentrating and directing the cosmic and liberating energies that are manifestations of the Coiled Serpent Goddess (Kundalini) within one’s own physical being, guiding her through the mystical centers (chakras) of the central subtle channel lying alongside or within the spine, one leads her to ecstatic union with Shiva in the topmost mystic center at the crown of the head. This ascent of the Coiled Serpent and her union with Shiva involves the successive dissolution of the world elements represented in the different mystic or psychoenergetic centers along the spine. Such dissolution, a reversal of the process of creation, is often seen in yoga texts as the basic paradigm for liberation itself. But the Serpentine Yoga does not end with the ascent. The Coiled Serpent is brought back down to her original home at the base of the spine, recreating a new body experienced by the practitioner as divine, infused as it now with the ambrosial nectar obtained from the union of Shiva and Shakti (the Coiled Serpent)."
The Song of the Goddess
The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess
C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 10-11
Kundalini envisioned as Goddess or Serpent
“Kundalini literally means coiled. In Indian yoga, a "corporeal energy" - an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force or Shakti, lies coiled at the base of the spine. It is envisioned either as a goddess or else as a sleeping serpent hence a number of English renderings of the term such as 'serpent power'. The Kundalini resides in the sacrum bone in three and a half coils and has been described as a residual power of pure desire.
The Yogatattva Upanishad mentions four kinds of yoga, of which laya-yoga involves Kundalini.
Sri Ramana Maharshi maintained that the Kundalini energy is nothing but the natural energy of the Self, where Self is the universal consciousness (Paramatma) present in every being, and that the individual mind of thoughts cloaks this natural energy from unadulterated expression. Advaita teaches that Self-realization, enlightenment, God-consciousness, nirvana and Kundalini awakening are all the same thing, and self-inquiry meditation is considered a very natural and simple means of reaching this goal...
Sir John Woodroffe (pen name Arthur Avalon) was one of the first to bring the notion of Kundalini to the West. As High Court Judge in Calcutta, he became interested in Shaktism and Hindu Tantra. His translation of and commentary on two key texts was published as The Serpent Power. Woodroffe rendered Kundalini as "Serpent Power" for lack of a better term in the English language but "kundala" in Sanskrit means "coiled".”

"She is the universal, cosmic energy known as Sakti, and the psychophysical, guiding force designated as the Kundalini (Serpent Power) resident within each individual"
The Devi Gita, or Song of the Goddess, presents a grand vision of the universe created, pervaded, and protected by a supremely powerful, all-knowing, and wholly compassionate divine female. She is Mahadevi or the Great Goddess, known to her most devoted followers as the auspicious Mother-of-the-World (jagad-ambika, jagan-matr). Unlike the ferocious and horrific Hindu goddesses such as Kali and Durga, the World-Mother of the Devi Gita is benign and beautiful, though some of her lesser manifestations may take on terrifying forms. And unlike other beneficent divinities such as Parvati and Laksmi, she is subject to no male consort.
This World-Mother is formally addressed as Bhuvanesvari, the “Ruler of the Universe.” She resides in her celestial paradise known as Manidvipa, the Jeweled Island, situated at the topmost point of the universe. From there, ever wakeful and alert, she observes the troubles of the world, eager to intervene on behalf of her devotees.
While resting in her island home, she reclines on a sacred throne or couch of remarkable design, composed of five pretas, ghosts or corpses. The four legs are the lifeless bodies of Brahma, Visnu, Rudra, and Isana (the later two being forms or aspects of Siva), and the seat is the stretched-out corpse of Sadasiva (the eternal Siva). This conception of Bhuvanesvari seated on her Panca-Pretasana (Seat of Five Corpses), marvelously illustrated in Figure 10.1, page 286, reveals her supreme sovereignty, especially over masculine pretensions to cosmic power. Brahma, Visnu, and Siva are the three male deities traditionally associated with creating, overseeing, and destroying the universe. But here, as elements of Bhuvanesvari’s throne, they represent her latent cosmic energies, unconscious and inert, residing under her feet until aroused by her desire. While lounging on this couch at the beginning of creation, the Goddess splits herself into two for the sake of her own pleasure or sport—one half of her body becoming Mahesvara (Siva). In such manner she dramatically demonstrates her superiority to all the male gods.
The Great Goddess is both wholly transcendent and fully immanent: beyond space and time, she is yet embodied within all existent beings; without form as pure, infinite consciousness (cit) … She is the universal, cosmic energy known as Sakti, and the psychophysical, guiding force designated as the Kundalini (Serpent Power) resident within each individual. She is eternal, without origin or birth, yet she is born in this world in age after age, to support those who seek her assistance. Precisely to provide comfort and guidance to her devotees, she presents herself in the Devi Gita to reveal the truths leading both to worldly happiness and to the supreme spiritual goals: dwelling in her Jeweled Island and mergence into her own perfect being.
The Mysterious Kundalini
"Kundalini, the serpent power or mystic fire, is the primordial energy or Sakti that lies dormant or sleeping in the Muladhara Chakra, the centre of the body. It is called the serpentine or annular power on account of serpentine form. It is an electric fiery occult power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter.
Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power. In reality it has no form. The Sthula Buddhi and mind have to follow a particular form in the beginning stage. From this gross form, one can easily, understand the subtle formless Kundalini. Prana, Ahamkara, Buddhi, Indriyas, mind, five gross elements, nerves are all the products of Kundalini.
It is the coiled-up, sleeping Divine Sakti that lies dormant in all beings. You have seen in the Muladhara Chakra that there is Svayambhu Linga. The head of the Linga is the space where Sushumna Nadi is attached to the Kanda. This mysterious Kundalini lies face downwards at the mouth of Sushumna Nadi on the head of Svayambhu Linga. It has three and a half coils like a serpent. When it is awakened, it makes a hissing sound like that of a serpent beaten with a stick, and proceeds to the other Chakra through the Brahma Nadi, which is also called Chitra Nadi within Sushumna. Hence Kundalini is also called Bhujangini, serpent power. The three coils represent the three Gunas of Prakriti: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, and the half represents the Vikritis, the modification of Prakriti.
Kundalini is the Goddess of speech and is praised by all. She Herself, when awakened by the Yogin, achieves for him the illumination. It is She who gives Mukti and Jnana for She is Herself that. She is also called Sarasvati, as She is the form of Sabda Brahman. She is the source of all Knowledge and Bliss. She is pure consciousness itself. She is Brahman. She is Prana Sakti, the Supreme Force, the Mother of Prana, Agni, Bindu, and Nada. It is by this Sakti that the world exists. Creation, preservation and dissolution are in Her. Only by her Sakti the world is kept up. It is through Her Sakti on subtle Prana, Nada is produced. While you utter a continuous sound or chant Dirgha Pranava ! (OM), you will distinctly feel that the real vibration starts from the Muladhara Chakra. Through the vibration of this Nada, all the parts of the body function. She maintains the individual soul through the subtle Prana. In every kind of Sadhana the Goddess Kundalini is the object of worship in some form or the other."
The traditions of India and its neighbouring countries offer more spiritual knowledge than any other region of the world. At home and at school we hardly learn anything about the historical and spiritual background of these areas. As a result, we incur the danger of giving a wrong interpretation to this region's spiritual tradition by extracting a part of the whole, if we are interested in Eastern wisdom.
On the subcontinent of India we see a variety of spiritual traditions. Hinduism, Buddhism, Lamaism and other teachings confuse the Western seeker with thousands of gods, deities and different perceptions about life after dead and destiny. But even in the large variety of tinges and facets of Hinduism and its pantheon of deities there is the idea of a final unity. This one is the Brahma, or Sadashiva. Through his power Mahamaya (the Great Illusion) he creates all divine, human and material aspects of the universe. At the end, he reabsorbs everything. Yoga, the real meaning of which is "Union with God", embraces all the efforts of mankind in the spiritual domain. The final aim is not some blurred "enlightenment", also not to jump in the air a little bit or wear clothes of a certain colour, the aim is the connection with an higher awareness. Yoga, "connection", is only good when this perception of a higher awareness can be achieved. This Yoga is not one single technique or a determined exercise, it is a way of life once the connection was established. All the asanas, breathing techniques et cetera are helpful tools for those who are connected and know how to apply these techniques, because the same asana may be helpful to one, but harmful to the other – depending on individual constitution. Doing physical exercise without being connected may calm you down a little bit, however, basically it is as if you try to swim without water.
As we have received so much from the East and still are to receive much more, we would like to look closer at the basis of Indian Knowledge. This basis is the classical scriptures of old, for example the Vedas or Upanishads, as well as the teachings of venerated Indian saints and masters such as Markendeya or Tukaram. Simultaneously, we shall try to integrate important scriptures of other cultures - also of the west.
Looking at most of the modern publications1 on Kundalini, it seems obvious that nothing is known of the roots of religious knowledge. According to the quoted ancient sources, Kundalini is the most subtle, the holiest and mightiest force of the universe, which, only under certain circumstances, is accessible to mortals. These superlatives are meant literally. Even the "Rishis", the saints/sages, who communicated with the Gods themselves were not allowed to awaken the Kundalini in human beings. Bearing this in mind, one should consider carefully advertisements for "Kundalini- Seminars" or similar offers. Kundalini is not a discovery of our times, she has been described thousands of years before Jesus Christ; and the knowledge we have got has come through old Indian scriptures.
Let us try to understand this tremendous power as far as we can with our minds. Numerous names of her are at the same time names of the Goddess Parvati as a virgin ("Uma", "Gauri"). The name Parvati has only been given at her marriage with Shiva. In her aspect as a mother the spouse of Shiva becomes the "Devi", the Mother Goddess of the created universe. As Devi she incarnates in times of great difficulty, when all the negative forces rise up and challenge the righteous and religious. She destroys all the demons ruthlessly and without pity, because, as mother, she protects her children - the seekers of truth. This power has also been attributed to the Kundalini, when she acts in a cleansing way in human beings and removes the "individual demons" within. And there exists a link between the primordial power Adi Shakti2 and Kundalini.
In the few sources3 that refer to Shri Adi Shakti, it is usually said that she is the primordial and highest power. She is the one who created the first manifestation; the bridge between the formless non-manifested God and the whole formed creation. Kundalini also builds a connection with the divine, connecting the individual to a collective, higher awareness. – Shri Adi Shakti is described as so powerful that Shiva, Vishnu and Brahmadeva were extremely impressed, when they were once granted the permission to visit her sphere (Devi Bhagawatam, III book, cp. FN 3). Only after some time did they realize that they were in their mother's house. Apart from the tremendous power that lies in the Kundalini as part of the primordial force, the protective, motherly aspect clearly appears.
Before considering any detailed parts of ancient scriptures - in particular the "Jnaneshwari" - we shall discuss the function of the Kundalini. At this point we must introduce the greatest authority in this matter; Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Avatara of our times, proven by the awakening of the Kundalini in hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. She can indeed transmit a practical experience of the Kundalini-Power, as well as the corresponding knowledge. Thousands and thousands of people in India, thousands throughout the west, and also in Russia, who have been so fortunate to meet Her, can confirm this. All other Saints, who might have power over Kundalini, lead a withdrawn and hidden life in the Himalayas and its foothills, and they cannot give Kundalini-awakening en masse.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains that the Kundalini resides in every living being as the divine desire to become one with God. Since the beginning of the creation this force has been acting and pushing the evolution forward. In our western tradition Kundalini could be understood as the Holy Spirit. In Hebraic scriptures she is called "Ruach".
If a human being is perfectly pure in his inner, subtle system (which practically means that he has become a saint) he receives his total liberation, "Moksha", at the moment of the Kundalini awakening. This perfect liberation took place for Buddha after he had renounced all his attachments and temptations. If Kundalini awakening takes place in "non-perfect" human beings, she starts cleansing different energy centers, the "Chakras". The effect of the desire to become one with the cause of all creation manifests in the healing of the chakras and is a first step on our way to the final goal. The significance of the Kundalini being the reflection of the divine primordial desire is, that it corresponds with the classical representation of Adi Shakti, who at the very moment of creation has given shape first to the desire (Iccha- Shakti) and then to the act (Saraswati).
The last, complete liberation is the union of the soul, the Atma (Shri Shiva) with the Kundalini (Shakti) in order to make the Atma aware or conscious in us. That means, the truth, the all-pervading awareness and the pure joy become reality in us. The Sahasrara chakra above the fontanel bone at the top of the skull opens up and replaces the biggest part of our ego and our conditionings. This process has often been described poetically in old scriptures:
"I had been impressed and dragged far away,
with a burden on my head; now I have
escaped from the burden, for you have accepted me.
How many times I cried to you in time past!
Tuka says, Today my service has borne fruit."
Tukaram, "The Poems of Tukaram", Chap. XII,593, Delhi, 1983.
"Thou art diverting Thyself, in secrecy with Thy Lord, in the thousand-petalled lotus, having pierced through the Earth situated in the Muladhara, the Water in the Manipura, the Fire abiding in the Swadhisthana, the Air in the Heart (Anahata), the Ether above (the Vishuddhi), and Manas between the eyebrows (Ajna) and thus broken through the entire Kula path (central channel - Sushumna)."
Shankaracharya, "Saundarya-Lahari"
(The Ocean of Beauty), 9 thpoem, Adya, 1977.
Where have these modern descriptions of so-called Kundalini- experience come from, which are contradictory and which often report very unpleasant experiences? Most probably these descriptions are partly due to wrong translations of the Jnaneshwari and partly to misunderstandings. Misunderstandings in the sense of mental concepts instead of a practical experience.
For a long time the teachings about Kundalini have been kept as a secret knowledge that has only been bestowed simultaneously with self-realisation, the awakening of the Kundalini. This was the real heritage of the masters, the saints or gurus, who did not perform a hollow, symbolic act, but a living process.
In the Bagavadgita the subject of Kundalini has been very briefly referred to. The Upanishads have only treated parts of it. Markandeya was the first one to break with the taboo (thousands of years ago), and talked openly about it. What these classical scriptures have in common is that they are difficult to understand and that the effects of Kundalini have not been described in detail.
This changed in the 13th century A.D. Around 1275 in the central part of India, Maharashtra, Jnanadeva (also called Jnaneshwar or Dyaneshwar) was born. Although he left this world at a very young age, he is one of Indias greatest saints. As the Bagavadgita had been written in Sanskrit the masses did not have direct access to this most popular religious scripture of the Hindus. Thus Jnanadeva was convinced by his brother to write a commentary on the Bagavadgita in Marathi (the common language of the people in Maharashtra). This work, the "Jnaneshwari", contains many more details than the Bagavadgita. It is said that the "Jnaneshwari" can be read like a comment of God himself, who acts in the Bagavadgita. - Marathi has been and is still spoken in Maharashtra. Apart from the changes of a living language through 700 years, Marathi is ideal for beautiful poetry and religious works, but also can be misunderstood if taken literally, as every single word has various meanings, often a material as well as a subtle or a poetic one. The use of images is an important method of poetic expression. This country of Maharastra and its language have a special significance in the spiritual development of India. Shri Sita and Shri Rama (Ramayana: the incarnation of the God Vishnu and his spouse Laxmi) trod on this soil, Ekanath, Tukaram and many other important rishis and saints have left behind their works in the Marathi language.
In the 6th chapter of the Jnaneshwari the Kundalini and its effects are described. This text again is not easy to understand. The learned and scholars have tried to avoid this very difficult chapter for 700 years, as all written knowledge of the world cannot replace the holy experience. Thus the academics never understood it; and there is one essential point for us: The translations, mainly in English, available in the West, are not correct. They certainly all relate to one original translation, as the mistakes are apparently similar. These errors of translation are probably responsible for the incomprehensible descriptions of Kundalini that we have in the west. For example one of the main mistakes is to suppose that the seat of the Kundalini is in the region of the stomach. This mistake is to be found in the book of Avalon (see FN 1). In the original scriptures nothing of the kind is mentioned. Shankaracharya (8th century AD) says in the Saundarya Lahari (see above) in the 10 th verse: "..Thyself assuming the form of a serpent of three-and-a-half coil, sleepest Thou in the hollow of the Kulakunda4". The description refers to the triangular bone, to which we will come back later. Finally, the Devi Bhagawatam should be quoted, book XII, chapter 5, where the Mother of the Worlds (Shri Adi Shakti) is again described as the "Kundalini in the Mooladhar".
Besides these wrong translations, there is a lack of understanding which we mentioned before: In the Jnaneshwari, at the end of the 10 th sub-chapter of chapter 6, Shri Krishna explains clearly the way of a real yogi and says explicitly, that it is the EXPERIENCE of self-realisation, and there is no doubt about the fact that this experience has to come from God5. As Arjuna is urging for this knowledge, Krishna says: (11th sub-chapter, first sentence): "I explain it to you in more detail now, but only through the experience it will bear fruit". So it is clear that a purely mental understanding of the description of the Kundalini is meaningless if the actual happening of self-realisation is lacking. The mediocre translations of the Jnaneshwari unfortunately confirm these words.
This introduction is followed by the description of the "asana" (sitting position), which is favourable to the awakening of the Kundalini. The awakening itself can only be performed by a person who is authorized. The asana is described several times as "the steady seat", which corresponds to the lowest chakra (Mooladhara chakra). It lies at the root of our body and guards the sleeping Kundalini in the sacrum (Mooladhar). Any weakness of this chakra, which is the throne of innocence and wisdom, causes permanent difficulties, as it is the support of the Kundalini. Certain sitting positions should just enable our attention to detach from physical processes. Later in the 13 th sub- chapter it is mentioned that the palms of the hands should be kept upwards, in order to feel the Kundalini-energy.
There is a considerable difference between the Mooladhara-chakra and the Mooladhar which lies above it (sacrum), the triangular bone at the end of the spine. At the awakening of the Kundalini, her pulsations can often be seen with the naked eye at the sacrum. This perception is the best proof of its real position; all other conclusions do not correspond with the reality. Lying at the basis of the spine, she rises through the middle channel (Sushumna), which corresponds with the canalis centralis in the grey matter of the backbone. The medical term is "Os Sacrum, "holy bone", taken over directly from the Greek by the Romans: Its special position was known also in the West, in ancient times. We know that the Egyptians attributed this "Os Sacrum" to the God Osiris. In an article of the "Journal of the American Medical Association" (JAMA" of 1987 it is written: "… the idea that the sacrum is the last bone in the body to disintegrate after death and, therefore, necessary for resurrection could qualify it as sacred. The first Biblical intimation that a single bone might be the bone needed for resurrection is in Psalms 34, 21: He watches over all the bones; one of them shall not be broken…"6 - The idea of resurrection or second birth mentioned here is, in various forms, present in all religions.
To all those, who really can feel the effects of the awakened Kundalini, the 14th sub-chapter of Jnanadevas work proves to be an absolute disaster in translation - knowledge without experience is useless. We have chosen a few important aspects to illustrate this.
The translation of the Marathi word "Tap" as "heat" caused by the awakening of Kundalini is wrong in this context. Here "Tap" means "force". The force, resulting from the exercise of asanas and giving the possibility of the awakening, but not the awakening itself. The activating of the Kundalini is a process beyond human willpower and beyond the force of human action. Thus in the translations, by a misunderstanding of nuances, the mother Kundalini becomes a monster, that devours the intestines voraciously - Whereas in a subtle, beautiful language the power is praised who is eager to give the second birth, to permeate the whole body and to renew it.7
The body and its organs, each cell is being touched and purified by Kundalini. This process has been described in detail right up to the roots of the hair by Jnanadeva. Certainly there is no one, who ever before was able to observe and understand the Kundalini in his body and subtle system as precisely as this great Saint. The effect of the different breathing forces in connection with Kundalini is explained as well as the effects on the elements.
The Janeshwari continues with the procedure after the purification of the subtle centres: The Kundalini stays in the centre-channel (Sushumna) of three subtle channels and pours out "of her mouth water, that becomes nectar". This nectar in its turn brings forth a "vital wind, …. that gives a cooling sensation in and on the body".
The Janeshwari continues with the procedure after the purification of the subtle centres: The Kundalini stays in the centre-channel (Sushumna) of three subtle channels and pours out “of her mouth water, that becomes nectar”. This nectar in its turn brings forth a “vital wind, …. that gives a cooling sensation in and on the body".8 The perception of the cool breeze is the best on the palms of the hands and at the top of our head (Sahasrara Chakra). This coolness is also described in the Koran - Sura 36, 65: "One day we will seal their mouths, but their hands will speak...". This Sura, called "the Heart of the Koran" has the title "JS". These are the initials of "Joga Sahadsch" as it would be spelled in Arabic. "Sahaj" means "born with" or "spontaneous", Sahaja Yoga is the yoga of the spontaneous unity with God. The hands "speak" in such a way that each finger, root of the hand and palm correspond with a chakra and the various sensations of the part of the hand inform about the condition of the chakras. There are further hints to the perception of Kundalini in the Koran, as in Sura 24, 24 or 41, 21 and following."
This cooling energy does not only exist after the awakening of the Kundalini, it is one with the divine force, who awakens Kundalini in the individual human being and permeates the whole cosmos. In the Gospel of John, 4, Jesus describes the process of awakening to a Samaritan woman next to a well: "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given you water of life. The woman said to him, Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: Where can you get that water of life? … Jesus answered, Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again: but whoever drinks the water that I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up into eternal life." As Janeshwar uses the image of the "water" or "wind of life", we can find the Kundalini and its effects described by Jesus Christ in the same way. - The completion of the Kundalini's task is depicted by Jnanadeva in most beautiful Marathi poetry. The skin is only an envelope, in which the radiant being of the 17th phase of the moon is covered. The full moon, the 16th phase, has the meaning of fulfillment, completion. Only Sadashiva, God beyond all perception, is beyond that, in the illuminated Sahasrara.
Through the ancient Scriptures9 a structure of the inner system takes shape, which is still very common in India. At the bottom we find the four-petalled lotus of the Mooladhara Chakra. In it resides the guardian of Kundalini, who represents wisdom and innocence. The Kundalini is situated above this center in the sacrum bone and therefore, at her awakening, cannot pass through the chakra placed underneath. If one tries to raise the Kundalini without authorization, then the guardian of the Kundalini sends waves of heat through the body in his temper. Sometimes these waves of heat are misunderstood as the awakening of the Kundalini, but it is just the opposite10. Jnanadeva says very clearly, that coolness is the sign of the rising Kundalini. Each unauthorized practice to get in touch with Kundalini leads to a damage that makes an awakening more difficult. Only if the process is triggered by an authorized person, does it lead to its fulfillment. The Kundalini, an intelligent and motherly energy, can never do any harm. Even when she heals physical diseases, it is always in a gentle manner.
In relation to the above mentioned Mooladhara Chakra we must stress that there is no connection at all between sexual activities and the Kundalini or her awakening. Unnatural and exaggerated attention on sexuality weakens and damages this lower chakra. Then the Kundalini has a weak basis and cannot rise for long. In the same way other unnatural behaviour may disturb other Chakras or energy-centers, the same is true for bad intentions or desires even. Thus greed or hatred for example block the ascend of the Kundalini at different levels.
As described in the poetry of Shankaracharya and as known in India in general, the ascending Kundalini passes through the Nabhi-, Swadisthana-, Anahata-, Visshuddhi-, and Agnya-Chakra. As soon as the Agnya Chakra at the forehead gets pierced through, "Nirvichara Samadhi", thoughtlessness, is achieved. Only at that very moment one can talk about an experience which allows a deeper understanding of the "Jnaneshwari" for instance. Nirvichara Samadhi is spontaneous, like every movement of the Kundalini. Samadhi cannot be achieved through human willpower, that is why the concept, that through efforts of concentration real spiritual progress could be achieved, is wrong.
After the Sushumna, which is the central channel, the subtle channels on the left and the right are enlightened. The left (Ida- Nadi) represents the emotions, conditionings and the past, the right (Pingala-Nadi) activity, planning and the future.
The whole process physically relates with the parasympathetic system and therefore cannot be controlled consciously. The real awakening of Kundalini does not cause any spectacular process or sensation out of control. "Only" a kind of profound peace and joy can be felt, and coolness on top of the head and on the palms of the hands. If the subtle centres, the chakras, are damaged, the perception of Kundalini is reduced in accordance.
Only the one who is able to awaken the Kundalini, so that the effects, as described by Jnanadeva and other masters, can be felt, so that the water of life is flowing, can be called a real Guru in the best tradition of the Great Indian Teachers.

Map of Mayan Civilization centresIs 2012 going to be the "End of The World?"
No, not in terms of the complete destruction of the Earth and some kind of annihilation scenario. 2012 is not bringing the end of the planet.
When we contemplate the expression "end of the world" let us realize the term "world" can refer to a cycle; a period of time; a world age era. Therefore 2012 is signalling the completion of one World Age Cycle, transitting into an emerging New World Age to come.
It is said that the world we are ending is the one that is dominated by materialism and ego consciousness, therefore it may be that the world to follow will be founded on different values that honor the spirit of the interdependence of all of life.
There are ideas in the collective mind that assert that 2012 is bringing the "end of the world as we know it," which may be linked with its other association of heralding "the end of linear time," and no one can say how valid these claims may be. However, based on the complex situation we are in as a planet, no one can predict the longevity of our modern world with all of its technological dependencies and unsustainable customs. Likewise, the more conscious we become of the non-linear, synchronistic nature of existence, the more rapidly we may indeed evolve beyond the linear time paradigm.
In regards to the ever-increasing attention on the December 21, 2012 date, the living Maya of Guatemala urgently want it to be known that their ancient prophecies have been distorted and misportrayed as doomsday predictions. They do not advocate all the fear and hysteria that is being generated by the sensationalized 2012 rumors, and they want people to be aware that most of the 2012 (mis)information being put out is not sourced from the Maya or their calendars whatsoever, even though it may appear to be associated with them.
In regards to the popular fascination with the possible "end of the world" cataclysm scenario in 2012, it is important to understand that these modern fantasies projected from our collective psyche are reflecting our internal process of fearing how out of harmony with nature we are collectively living. There is a sense of an impending retaliation from nature that will come, as a great punishment upon our misguided human world.
While it is clear we are living in times of great uncertainty and great imbalance, we need to realize that terrorizing ourselves by energizing fear-based rumors does not assist us in rising to the great challenges we face. Fear is a primal universal human reality, based on understanding how vulnerable we actually are, yet we need to understand that if we believe in all the fear thoughts, we can easily become shut down, delusional or reactionary in ways that feed the fear and lead us further into darkness.
In this time of prophecy, we need to move from motivating ourselves not from fear, but from awareness. To navigate these critical times on earth, in addition to our discernment and our intuition, we must find our hearts and follow their inspiration, for they are our purest guides and can help us tune into our unique path of service.
When we contemplate what the world might be like beyond 2012, let us be clear that no one can predict the specifics of how things may appear as we enter this new cycle, or whether the transformations still to come may emerge gradually or swiftly. Everything depends on how conscious we can become as a species, and how we all contribute to this process of awakening our human potential. The details of how this new era may actually manifest is up to the merits of our collective creativity and the possible breakthroughs which can unfold through our resourcefulness and ingenuity.
Carlos Barrios, from the Eagle Clan of the Mam Maya of Guatemala shares in regards to 2012:
"The world will not end. It will be transformed... Everything will change...Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate...If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way...Humanity will continue, but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human..."

Ancient Mayan Glyph showing
the transfer of the Staff of
Power to the Spirit of the
FeminineAncient Prophecies about the Transfer of Power from the Masculine to the Feminine
"Amazingly, there is a cultural/prophetic context for the arising of this Feminine-based planetary transformation that is underway. The Mayan 2012 prophecies foretold of this shift of planetary stewardship into the hands of the Feminine. In a personal communication with this author, Nicaraguan Mayan Grandmother Flordemayo, of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, explained that the final glyph (pictogram) from the “Mayan Story of Creation” (the Dresden Codex) shows the Reawakening of the Feminine.
The “Mayan Story of Creation” tells about our current timeframe of history. The Mayan Calendar ends December 21, 2012, and a new Mayan Calendar count begins. The significance of this Calendar end-date is that a 26,000 year astronomic cycle ends and begins anew, and creates a grand opportunity for transformation of humanity’s consciousness is to occur. This story is shown in pictorial glyphs; and the final glyph of this Dresden Codex depicts our current time. According to Grandmother Flordemayo, this final glyph shows the reawakening of the Spirit of the Feminine, and the transfer of the staff of power from the masculine to the feminine at this timeframe in history. Flordemayo explained that this reawakening and this transfer of the staff of power are occurring now, as we approach the 2012 end of the Mayan Calendar."
Vikki Hanchin
Vikki Hanchin, LCSW is a wholistic psychotherapist, writer, speaker, and workshop facilitator, who is a catalyst for personal and planetary transformation. Based in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Vikki is also co-creator of “Women Waking the World,” a web-based portal for restoring women’s wisdom, values, and influence in service to all life.
What have the Hopis, Mayans, and other Native American peoples forseen?

Mayan Wheel crop circle August 2004 (Photo by Lucy Pringle)
Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear.
This concept that we can make choices concerning our future destinies is one found not only in Native American prophecies but is really an essential ingredient in all true prophetic pronouncements. True prophecy is meant to be a reflection on the hidden natures and motivations of human behavior, both individually and collectively, as well as the future options based on the human ability to make a choice. True prophecy is thus more than merely a forecast. Its purpose is to provide the lesson that is to be learned from a potential future prognostication so that, if possible, the lesson is accepted and processed beforehand. Thus the course of the future can actually be changed, and a different pathway of prophesied events can be manifested into reality.
In this context, the period of time between now and the year 2012, with 2000 as the benchmark, appears to be shaping up into a decisive time period when important choices will be made and when any number of timelines for the future are possible. True prophecy is our guide to determine what those different timelines are and how we can make the right choices.
by Joseph Robert Jochmans
Aligning With the Spirit of the Maya Calendar End-Date 2012
by Dwayne Edward Rourke
January 1, 2000
A great turning of the Gregorian calendar wheel has brought us to the threshold of a new millennium. Throughout the planet, people are filled with the sort of expectancy, excitement and anxiety such a threshold evokes. However, if any of us are looking to the calendar itself for guidance as to how to align with the spirit of this new time, we will likely be disappointed. Very little is provided there, other than a rather utilitarian segmentation of time into years, months and days. In contrast, the workings of a sacred calendar such as that found throughout Mesoamerica and especially in those areas inhabited by traditional Mayan people, provide a wealth of symbolism able to empower its adherents with insight and energy.
Clearly, all calendars throughout the world are arbitrary man-made constructions. Generally, they are based on alignment with particular celestial phenomena such as the solar or lunar year. Mayan calendars are no exception and currently the Mayan calendar tradition calls attention to the day we call December 21 , 2012. The Maya have been aware for hundreds of years that on that Winter solstice day, a unique astronomical event will occur: a very rare conjunction of the Sun with the ecliptic of the Milky Way galaxy....
In the direction EAST, universally acknowledged as the place of new beginnings, the Maya place the hieroglyph CHICCHAN (pronunciation: cheek'chan). CHICCHAN is the serpent mind, the mind that is constantly renewed and regenerated, through a process of shedding what no longer serves us. The physical body itself can be seen as an evolutionary skin periodically released, as one life ends and another begins. It is a body fueled ultimately by a form of solar energy the Maya call kultunlilni. Kultunlilni is the vital life force empowering all human growth and development. This crucial life-force is the same as what is known in Hindu cosmology as the serpent power: kundalini. Kundalini is the great evolutionary force making of each body and its occupant, a potentially powerful source of solar wisdom. Important for us to remember, however, is that this primary, very intimate and very powerful source of wisdom is only accessible to the extent that we are able to hear what our bodies, as carriers of its sacred gift, are actually telling us. Inevitably in this process, we turn to those with whom we feel a strong attraction or affinity. "
Predictions about the Spiritual Mother
In a book published in 1887 titled “The Mystery of the Ages” by Marie, Countess of Caithness (Page 316-317) the following prediction appears:- “It was generally considered, at the turn of the next century, that the next Divine incarnation was about to come to earth and would be female, the advent of Divine Wisdom, or Theo-Sophia, and that the present age would be the age of making known all that which has been kept secret from the beginning.”
This is an extract from the Nadigranth compiled by Mr Shantaram Athvale. The Nadigranth was originally written in Sanskrit 2000 years back by the ancient astrologer Bhrigumuni and later updated and translated into Marathi and titled the Kak Nadi by Kakayyar Bhujander who was a great astrologer and seeker who lived nearly 300 years ago in India. In this particular extract Shantaram Athvale refers to the writings from Kak Nadi written by Kakayyar Bhujander:
“While Jupiter is in Pisces a great Yogi will incarnate on the Earth. By 1970 it will have become quite evident to many people that a new era will have started. Human life will undergo a complete revolution. This Yogi will be the Incarnation of Parabrahma and will have all the divine powers.
By the new method of yoga devised by the great Yogi, human beings will be able to attain the joy of Moksha within one lifetime. While living ordinary lives people will achieve Yoga – Union with God. In the end all the nations of the world will come together with the feeling of oneness. There will be a great international conference in a big city of the world. The whole of the humanity will understand the importance of prayer and all the nations will unite together.
Due to new scientific discoveries science and religions would become one. With the help of science the existence of God and the Soul could be proved. The veil of ignorance and Maya would be drawn aside and Brahmananda, Moksha which could previously only be attained by yogis as a result of very hard work and severe penance would become easily available to many human beings.”
William Blake (28 Nov 1757-12 Aug 1827) gives us this prophetic poem titled “To Morning.” Seemingly it is an invocation to what he perceived as the feminine aspect of the Divine, whom would facilitate the dawning of a new age and the unlocking of Heaven on Earth.
“O Holy Virgin, Clad in purest white Unlock heaven’s golden gates and issue forth Awake the dawn that sleeps, that sleeps in heaven Let light rise from the chambers of the East”
C.S Lewis (1898-1963) in his book the Great Divorce describes some kind of approaching procession of great joyousness. “If I could remember their singing and write down the notes, no man who read that score would ever grow sick or old. Between them went musicians: and after this a lady in whose honour this was being done” and “Every young man or boy that met her became her son” further “Every girl that met her became her daughter” and “There are those that steal other peoples children. But her motherhood was of a different kind. Those on whom it fell went back to their natural parents loving them more. In her they became themselves. And now the abundance of life she has in Christ from the Father flows over into them.” and also...”Redeemed humanity is still young, it has hardly come to its full strength. But already there is joy enough in the little finger of a great saint such as yonder lady to waken all the dead things in the universe to life.”
The R.S.V. Christian Bible, Revelation, chapter 12, verse 1, tells us prophetically of a marvellous event to come, of a sign, of a woman. “And a great portent appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”
In the Prophecies of John of Jerusalem an 11th century knight we read the following regarding ‘the Mother’ and the coming Millennium time. “She will be a great Master of the future times.....” “She will be the Mother of the Millennium that comes after the Millennium.” “After the days of the devil She will make the softness of a Mother flow. g) In the Christian Gnostic Gospel of Thomas this mysterious divine feminine power is alluded to in verse 101 as:- “My mother gave me birth My true Mother gave me Life”
The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 1 (Page 7), speaks of this feminine aspect of the divine as being an inner life force, as something to be realised. “Your Mother is in you, and you in her, She gives you life.”
In ancient writings of the Bible and also Gnostic records...the energy now known to many today as Kundalini energy is called by various names such as: Sophia, Life, Mother of the living or Wisdom. This force called Wisdom is likened to a feminine energy, and even a feminine personality ........ named as She and Her. In these writings the words; She...Her ...Wisdom & Holy Spirit are used interchangeably to refer to this feminine aspect of the Divine. Also later known in Christian texts as the Holy Ghost, Comforter, Counsellor and Redeemer...
And what of Sophia, of Wisdom, of the Holy Spirit, Comforter, Counsellor, Redeemer? Well people say She is here, residing within each and everyone of us as a sleeping potential, an inner life force, known widely as the Kundalini energy. This unique energy resides in the sacrum (sacred) bone. It is said that She can be awakened if one truly desires it so. It sounds like a dream but that’s what this music seeks to proclaim and celebrate. Further it is said that the one who resurrects this inner Divine Life Force, en-masse, is the Divine Mother, Goddess, Holy Spirit, who is verily a Comforter, Counsellor, Redeemer.
This inner living resurrection can be enjoyed every day, and each second by those who experience it. What’s more, it is celebrated globally on the anniversary of the opening of the Sahasrara. The Sahasrara is the universal energy centre located at the crown of the head, at the fontanelle, the seventh chakra or highest centre of consciousness, known otherwise as the thousand petalled lotus. It is through this last centre that one is able to connect with the all pervading universal divine “that is”. On the day it was opened on a cosmic level it is said that the whole atmosphere was filled with tremendous chaitanya (divine life force energy-vibrations) and there was tremendous light in the sky, and the whole thing came on the Earth. Since that day, thousands upon thousands of seekers from every nation have crossed paths with the one who ‘delivers the goods’. For as the Ancient Wisdom of Solomon promises: Verse 6. 12 – “Wisdom is radiant and unfading and she is easily discerned by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her.” “She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her.” and “...she goes about seeking those worthy of her, and she graciously appears to them in their paths, and meets them in every thought. Hence the song lyrics: “She was also in your City. Haven’t you heard?”
Every year since 1970, the moment when the last centre in our evolutionary assent was opened, great celebrations have been taking place with people gathering from every nation & religious tradition somewhere on the world stage. And the day of commemoration – May 5th. Hence, it was a big surprise to find some predictions regarding this particular day, May 5th, for the year 2000, the so called Millennium year.
The Fernbank Science Centre Planetarium of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, USA have carried out various assessments and concluded that there will be a line-up of planets (heavenly bodies) in the next Millennium. Such line-ups may have only the subtlest of effects upon our lives, so no armageddon type scenarios, please. In short various planets; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and the Sun and the new Moon will come into alignment with Earth, in a most unique conjunction or union. Momentarily being connected along invisible gravitational lines of energy. Like a cosmic string of pearls. Perhaps this will be a particularly auspicious day. And when? On the precise date of May 5th, 2000. This is mentioned only to spark curiosity, to lead the attention onward, to activate the seeking and questing faculty, to stimulate the desire to know, feel and experience the eternal. Everyone can do it..... if they wish!
All this excitement about the so called Millennium may lead us in the wrong directions. The Millennium isn’t a one moment event, if anything it more clearly represents a dawning. As a seed sprouts and promises new growth, so we might look upon the idea of the Millennium. After all, this time business is in essence just a man made concept, and perhaps not too much should be made of it. In any event it is commonly debated that the Julian (Christian calendar) is only accurate to about plus or minus seven years. (So the Millennium could really be anywhere between 1993-2007).
Hence, some say, it is best to stay in the present and tap into that inner state beyond time, the fifth dimension, accessible by achieving a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’ at the Sahasrara chakra.....otherwise known as the Turiya State or Eternity.
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), who was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1913 makes the following plea:- “Oh! Mother, let my mind awake slowly on the Sacred Shore of the sea, where great souls of the world have come together to offer their pranams. Here with outstretched hands we bow-down to the Divine in human form. In bounteous poetry and in great joy we adore thee. Behold here oh seeker! The mountain of meditation with rivers resounding and dancing to the solemn music of heaven. Adore here your Sacred Mother Earth where great souls have come together on the seashore to offer their pranams. Come oh! Aryans, come non Aryans, come Hindus and Muslims. Come come oh Englishmen, come Christians, come oh Brahmins purify your heart, hold the hands of the down-trodden and out-castes. Remove all ills and disrespect. Come quickly for the coronation (anointing) of the Mother,” Blossom Time is indeed here! This is the season!
The 2012 prophecies are optimistic
"When the Spanish conquered the Incas 500 years ago, the last pachacuti, or great change, occurred. The Q'ero have been waiting ever since for the next pachacuti, when order would emerge out of chaos. For the past five centuries they preserved their sacred knowledge, and finally, in recent years, the signs were fulfilled that the great time of change was at hand:
- the high mountain lagoons have dried,
- the condor is nearly extinct
- and the discovery of the Golden Temple has occurred, following the earthquake in 1949 which represented the wrath of the sun.
The prophecies are optimistic. They refer to the end of time as we know it -- the death of a way of thinking and a way of being, the end of a way of relating to nature and to the earth.
In the coming years, the Incas expect us to emerge into a golden age, a golden millennium of peace. The prophecies also speak of tumultuous changes happening in the earth, and in our psyche, redefining our relationships and spirituality. The next pachacuti, or great change, has already begun, and it promises the emergence of a new human after this period of turmoil. The chaos and upheaval characteristic of this period will last another four years, according to the Q'ero.
The paradigm of European civilization will continue to collapse, and the way of the Earth people will return. Even more importantly, the shamanic elders speak about a tear in the fabric of time itself. This presents an opportunity for us to describe ourselves not as who we have been in the past but as who we are becoming.
Pachacuti also refers to a great Incan leader who lived in the late 1300s. He is said to have built Machu Picchu and was the architect of an empire the size of the US. For the Incas, Pachacuti is a spiritual prototype—a Master, a luminous one who stepped outside of time. He was a messiah, but not in the Christian sense of the only son of God, beyond the reach of humanity. Rather he is viewed as a symbol and promise of who we all might become. He embodies the essence of the prophecies of the pachacuti, as Pacha means "earth" or "time," and cuti means "to set things right." His name also means "transformer of the earth."
The prophecies of the pachacuti are known throughout the Andes. There are those who believe the prophecies refer to the return of the leader Pachacuti to defeat those who took the Incas' land. But according to Dr. Villoldo, the return of Pachacuti is taking place on the collective level. "It's not the return of a single individual who embodies what we're becoming, but a process of emergence available to all peoples."
The Q'ero have served as the caretakers of the rites and prophecies of their Inca ancestors. The prophecies are of no use unless one has the keys, the rites of passage. The Star Rites, or "Mosoq Karpay" (The Rites of the Time to Come), are crucial to the practical growth described in the prophecies. Following the "despachos" (ritualistic offerings of mesa, or medicine bundles) at the ceremony in New York City, the shamans administered the Mosoq Karpay to the individuals present, transmitting the energies originating with the ancestors of their lineage. The transmission of the Mosoq Karpay is the ceremony representing the end of one's relationship to time. It is a process of the heart.
This process of Becoming is considered more important than the prophecies themselves. The Karpay (rites) plant the seed of knowledge, the seed of Pachacuti, in the luminous body of the recipient. It is up to each person to water and tend the seed so that it can grow and blossom. The rites are a transmission of potential; one must then make oneself available to destiny. The Karpays connect the person to an ancient lineage of knowledge and power that cannot be accessed by the individual. It can only be summoned by a tribe.
Ultimately, this power can provide the impetus for one to leap into the body of an Inca, a Luminous One. That person is connected directly to the stars, the Incan Sun of cosmology. The Q'ero believe that the doorways between the worlds are opening again. Holes in time that we can step through and beyond, where we can explore our human capabilities. Regaining our luminous nature is a possibility today for all who dare to take the leap.
The Andean shamans say,
"Follow your own footsteps. Learn from the rivers, the trees and the rocks. Honor the Christ, the Buddha, your brothers and sisters. Honor the Earth Mother and the Great Spirit. Honor yourself and all of creation." "
Grand Events are about to occur and Ancient Wisdom is returning to Earth
"The Maya developed their calendar long before the Julian or Gregorian calendars came into existence. The Mayan Calendar is based on naturally occurring energy cycles and a close connection to Mother Earth, the Sun, and the Pleiades. Because the Maya honored Mother Earth and the energy cycles that are present here, they were in tune with the cycles. They had access to information that is not available to 'modern people' because 'modern people' are extremely limited by their belief systems.
The Maya gained knowledge about many cycles which occur on Earth. They recognized a 13-day cycle of energy which comes from galactic sources. They also came to know a 20-day energy cycle coming from the Sun. By studying the cycles and their interaction with each other, the Maya gained an understanding of life on Earth that far exceeds our 'modern' beliefs. Fortunately, this knowledge is becoming available to us at this time to assist in our 'return to natural harmony'...
As the Grand Cycle nears completion, something very interesting is also happening in the Pleiades constellation. The star Maya is the 3rd star of the Pleiades constellation. The star Maya passes through the Photon Band for about 2000 years and out of the band for about 1,200 years. It's orbital path around Alcyone is shorter since it is closer to Alcyone. Our Sun will enter the Photon Band in 1998 and become completely within the Band by 2002. As our Sun leaves the Galactic Night and enters the Band, the star Maya also enters the Photon Band. These two stars are synchronized at this time. As the star Maya returns to the Photon Band, the Mayan Beings of Light are returning to Earth to assist us as the Grand Cycle comes to completion. Grand Events are about to occur and Ancient Wisdom is returning to Earth. Know that you have all chosen to be here on Earth at this time to experience what will be...
Time is not linear. We have been taught to think of Time as only going forward, from one point to another. I think it is more accurate to think of Time as a spiral, as cycles. In an ancient time, our Mother Earth was pristine and all of her life forms lived in harmony and honor. It is possible to heal the Earth and restore Her to her pristine state by merging the Ancient Times with the present. To accomplish this, we must first rid ourselves of the limitation of believing that Time is linear. The Mayan and Dreamspell Calendars can assist us greatly in coming to a greater understanding of Time. It is something that must be experienced. It is difficult to put into words because our language lacks the terms to express the nature of Time.
We create our Reality. For whatever reason or purpose, the mass consciousness of humanity is embracing linear time and creating a very limited reality. As each of us shifts out of the mass consciousness, it helps to change the whole. Love and Honor your Mother Earth. Receive the Galactic Synchronization Beam from the Sun. Sing the song of your Soul. Listen to your Heart."
With their tools of love they bring the message to humanity that their attitude needs to change
"We are living the times of the prophecies and now in another calendar of Ox Lahu Baktun. It also talks about the cycle of the great changes. In this cycle of the 5085 years in the Mayan calendar there are still 15 more years to go before this calendar can be completed. When this cycle is completed and another restoration of the planet will begin.
The world once again has fallen into neglecting nature. The world has been led by the materialistic ways, and humanity needs to transcend this cycle and to live in a more subtle dimension. Right now only the spiritual people in this planet are living this process. The indigenous groups of the planet are also living this process. But the great majority of humanity has no idea of these changes. These changes can be very catastrophic. It is my goal that the different indigenous and spiritual groups might come together as the new warriors of the light. With their tools of love they bring the message to humanity that their attitude needs to change. We need these positive attitudes as far as the different indigenous and spiritual groups and their relationship with nature, with our brothers and sisters the trees, with our brothers and sisters the animals, and with our Mother Earth.
Even though we have neglected and abused Mother Earth, we have taken her skin off, we have contaminated her waters, we have contaminated her wind, she is still serving us in a great way. Disobedient children we have been, yet she still loves us and nurtures us. We must understand that Grandfather Sun shines its light on us, no matter what color or shape or size we are. We must see each other with this attitude in mind. If a great part of humanity begins to understand this process, not only on an intellectual level, but also at a level of living it, those drastic changes that those prophecies talk about might not be so drastic.
Ancient sky watchers and wisdom keepers of the original traditions of Mother Earth remind us of our cosmic origins and how re-aligning with the cosmos can give us essential energy needed to live together harmoniously and with honor for our Mother Earth. They teach that everything that happens in the sky affects our perceptions and our evolution. We are not separate from anything or anyone. It is clear that these current times on Mother Earth are like no other. These are the times in which all races, from all directions, must come together in harmony and unity."
What are the living Maya saying about 2012?

Tz'utujil Maya Women from Guatemala
2012 is the completion of the ancient Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar Cycle but the Maya of today no longer track the Long Count Cycle. Conservative estimates say its been at least 500 years since they have, since at least the time of the Spanish Invasion. The last Long Count Calendar inscription recorded in stone is from 909 AD, more than a thousand years ago.
Currently, there are at least 7 million Maya living today. The largest populations of contemporary Maya inhabit the Mexican states of Yucatán, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and Chiapas, and in the Central American countries of Belize, Guatemala, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador.
Depending on who you talk to, one can find evidence that some living Maya endorse the 2012 date as being of critical importance, while some may not be aware of it, or do not necessarily agree with its projected significance. Some think it is a matter for the shamans and priests, and do not relate to the westernized apocalyptic themes we've married the 2012 date to.
To share one example, take Gerardo Barrios who began a quest over 20 years ago of travelling to different villages in Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras, eventually interviewing nearly 600 Maya Timekeepers.
Sharing his reflections, Gerardo Barrios states:
"We are now in a transition period called the 'Cycle of the merge of the dark and the light.'...The cycle of the light will come in full force on 12/21/2012...Mother Earth as a living entity will transcend to another level or frequency of consciousness and a new and special era will begin...This era will be very positive. 'Let all beings rise. Let not one or two stay behind.'...The times are here for total brotherhood...The spirit beings, different philosophies, different races must begin to weave together all knowledge to create the tapestry of harmony and balance..."
From a different perspective, author Kenneth Johnson writes "...most contemporary Maya continue to view these cycles of World Emergence purely in terms of 'cycles within cycles...' Many are aware that the 2012 end date was supposed to signify such a transition, but they are not altogether convinced that this date is as meaningful as we Westerners think it is."
Along these lines, Grandfather Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, 13th Generation Quiche Maya Priest and Head of The National Mayan Council of Indigenous Elders in Guatemala representing 440 Maya tribes, is hesitant to pinpoint 2012 as the certain date of destiny. He is weary of putting false claims on the exact timing of a process he knows is in motion. However, according to Drunvalo Melchizadek whom he authorized to speak to the world on his behalf, he has recently declared that we are now in the Window of the End of Time, meaning the closing of the Great cycle is upon us. He has said that due to the fulfillment of the Hopi Blue Star prophecy on October 24, 2007, brought by Comet Holmes, it is likely that the transformation to a New Cycle of the Sun will occur sometime between now and 2016.
When we visited Guatemala last winter, we had the honor of participating in sacred fire ceremony with Grandfather Don Alejandro. After the ceremony, he shared with a small circle of us in regards to 2012. He stated that amongst the Maya of today, they can't collectively say for sure when the cycle is ending because almost all of their calendars and books (and countless sacred artifacts) were brutally destroyed in 1562 by the Roman Catholic Bishop De Landa. (Only 3 Maya codices remain intact.)
According to him, the changes that are coming are already happening now and could culminate very soon, or perhaps over the next several generations. He doesn't want the people of the world to have expectations that lead them to say that nothing ended up happening in 2012 and discounting the wisdom of the Maya ancestors.
Specific dates aside, Don Alejandro shares the possibility that our shift into the new cycle of the Sun will be marked by a time of 30-70 hours of prolonged darkness. If this occurs, he stresses the importance of us not fearing this darkness, remaining calm and knowing it will pass. According to Drunvalo Melchizadek, he also mentions the possibility of a physical pole shift of the Earth's axis.
Don Alejandro's message always points out the supreme necessity of us changing our modern ways and taking responsibility for the "great contamination" that man has perpetuated, so that we can find our way of living in harmony with Earth. "We don’t want any more wars, no more death, no more nuclear testing, no more chemicals, because the warming up of the planet is unbearable to Mother Earth. If we don’t change, sooner or later, she will strike back with millions of lives lost."
All of this said, he also shares that this shifting ages is a positive thing that we should be very happy about: "So for us the time that is coming to us, is a time of change. And for us the Mayas, it is joy and happiness. They are saying in 2012 that this will end. So for us, the Mayans, if it were to happen in 2012, oh, how happy it would be. And our Creator, he will leave seeds from different regions for the future. So you, when that time comes, you will be prepared."
From his heart, Don Alejandro implores us to not be afraid in the face of these Unknowns. As he said to us directly, "Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. The Children of the Sun will survive." He was adament that the Maya prophecies are not saying the destruction of the planet is coming, and the elders are not pleased with the spreading of rumors of misleading information that is creating more fear in the people. As he said, "...it is only a change of a cycle of the Sun. It is not the first time this is going to happen nor will it be the last."
As Grandfather Don Alejandro shares, the essence of the Maya Prophecy says: “Arise, all arise, not one nor two groups be left behind, together we will see once again the place from where we have come from.”
As Yucatec Maya Elder Hunbatz Men comments: "According to the prophecies, in the year 2013 the first stage of higher understanding will begin. If we are willing to work with our subconscious, we will then be able to reclaim the information that has been impregnated in the deepest parts of our being. In this way, the ancient knowledge will rise again." Likewise, Don Alejandro shared that the wisdom of the Ancestors has never left, and that the Return of their Knowledge into our lives is imminent.
In regards to 2012, a man named Carlos Barrios who was born in Guatemala and trained as a Mayan Ajq'ij has a lot to share. Here is an excerpt from "The Book of Destiny" by Carlos Barrios:
"For the Maya, the famous date of December 21, 2012 marks the beginning of the fifth cycle of 5,200 years called Job Ajaw, or The Fifth Sun. This potentially apocalyptic date is the beginning of a change in consciousness, a time when a new socioeconomic order will arise in harmony with Mother Earth.
"Just as the world did not end in the year 2000, at the start of the millenium, it won't end with the advent of Job Ajaw in 2012. An unfounded fear was created before the new millenium by religious leaders who based their theories on misguided interpretations of ancient religious texts and predictions made by famous prophets. The same fear is rising again. The true guardians of this tradition have never been consulted about this date, but we are here to say: December 21, 2012 will not be the end of the world or the end of humanity. In fact, it will be the start of a period in which harmony, understanding, peace, and wisdom can reign. The prophecy says that during Job Ajaw we will move to a harmonious Natural Order so that both the Earth and humanity can attain the next stage of evolution.
"We are reaching a transcendent period as predicted by many of the world's great traditions and visionaries. Now we have the opportunity to ascend spiritually together with Mother Earth. The Maya speak of such prophetic times when either this transcendence will be possible or we will self-destruct.
"Mayan prophecies of events during this period have been astonishingly exact. The prophecies regarding the war in Iraq, the destruction of the Twin Towers, conflicts such as those between India and Pakistan and between Israel and Palestine, the tsunamis, earthquakes and floods are just a few examples. The predictions that have not yet come to pass are even more catastrophic—but there is time to change the outcome! Our Grandfathers warn of calamities and the possible destruction of a large part of humankind so that we can change such events. The Mayan Elders want to caution us that we must live in harmony, become aware, stop polluting, and safeguard our natural resources. The damage we have already done to Mother Earth is more than obvious.
"Very little attention has been paid to the importance of earlier cycles, particularly the end of this one, Kajib Ajaw, or the Fourth Sun. It is during this period—right now—that we run the greatest risk of large scale conflicts and natural disasters. The catastrophic side of the prophecy has unfortunately been misinterpreted as an inexorable, apocalyptic event. It is within our power, however, to prevent this from happening. We may be facing the self-destruction of much of humanity, but an ever-increasing number of us are also becoming aware of the damage we have caused to the environment and what we must do to change this...
"The imminent arrival of the new prophetic cycle Job Ajaw, a period of 5,200 years beginning on December 21, 2012, will bring future generations their rightful legacy: a return to a state of awareness."
What are some universal themes of this Living Prophecy?
We are in a Time of Trial, a sacred testing, a Great Crossing. We must find the ways to live in harmony and peacefully coexist within our Biosphere; our survival depends upon our awakening to the Interdependence of Life. By the day, it is becoming more and more evident that business as usual is the blind path and that we must learn to navigate with greater light.

Emergence by Hopi Artist Michael Kabotie
Regardless of any specific date, as the Indigenous Elders confirm, the signs of the times are manifesting everywhere—both inside of us and in our shared world. We all feel the intensity in our lives as we progress through these changing times. Whether we look to the global economic crisis, the environmental biospheric crisis, the countless social and human crises with overpopulation, poverty, homelessness, disease, starvation, wars, all of the earth changes that are underway, etc, it is clear we are living in extremely significant times. This moment in our evolution as a species has never existed before in the way it is manifesting right now.
This living prophecy is not about one day a light all of the sudden being turned on, rather this is about the process we are in NOW, that will keep steadily unfolding. The essence of this time of prophecy is that we are living in a time of crossroads; a time of shifting world age cycles where the old world and its separation-based mentality is in the process of dying and transforming into a new world that lives and creates through our hearts.
We are in a great inbetween time right now, experiencing a tension of the opposites playing out between contracted forces of fear that seek to have false power by manipulating life with a mind founded in duality, and the expansive forces of possibility that seek to be empowered by living in harmony with life, surrending our hearts to the Mystery school of life that unites us.
An important theme is the reminder that "it is always darkest before the dawn." In other words, it is said that if we can navigate through these times of immense challenge and crisis, the eventual renewal of the world cycles will bring a gradual return of wisdom and balance.

Channeler of Light by Patricia M. BowersThis is the theme of Return that appears in many different prophecies. Return to Balance; consciously unifying matter and spirit; The Return of the Divine Feminine. Return of the Christ Consciousness. Return of the Feathered Serpent, the snake and the bird unifying the lower, primal and higher, celestial nature within us. The Return of the Wisdom of the Ancestors and Star Beings; The Return to Living In Harmony with Nature; The Sacred Hoop of All Nations can be Whole again; the New Jerusalem emerging, the Rainbow Warriors arising; Returning to the Consciousness of the Garden; Returning to Awareness of our True Nature. Can it be? It seems there is no other quest but to awaken to our human potential. The focus of Return brings an energy of Rebirth into a new sense of wholeness.
Essentially, the idea is that we have been in a long era dominated by the linear, rational mind split off from the body and the heart, entranced by linear time, reductionist scientific paradigms, blind materialsm, egoic competition, the dualistic mentality of right and wrong, and a fear-based sense of separation and greed resulting from a deep, societally entrenched disconnection from the sacred oneness of life.
As we gradually shift gears out of the old paradigm described above, we can eventually move into an era that will be increasingly guided by the heart and intuition integrated with the mind and body, attuned to the eternal dimension of being, supportive of new quantum sciences, living in harmony with nature and in touch with the spiritual, invisible dimensions, dedicated to authentic cooperation, tolerant of diversity and holding space for multiple viewpoints, guided by conscious awareness of our precious interdependence, desiring to serve the whole.
Questions and answers about 2012 by Nasa
Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
Answer (A):The world will not end in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.
Q: What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012?
A: The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012 and linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 -- hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.
Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?
A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.
Q: Could planets align in a way that impacts Earth?
A: There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. One major alignment occurred in 1962, for example, and two others happened during 1982 and 2000. Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.
Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?
A: Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.
Q: What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the Earth's crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours?
A: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles. However, many of the disaster websites pull a bait-and-switch to fool people. They claim a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal taking place every 400,000 years on average. As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn’t cause any harm to life on Earth. Scientists believe a magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia.
Q: Is the Earth in danger of being hit by a meteor in 2012?
A: The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and asteroids, although big hits are very rare. The last big impact was 65 million years ago, and that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out a survey called the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth asteroids long before they hit. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs.
Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of the world ending in 2012?
A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012.
Q: Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for 2012?
A: Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history.